E. Connect a battery load tester to the battery ter-
minals following the manufacturer’s instruc- tions. Connect a digital multimeter to the battery terminals.
F.Apply a test load of one half the Cranking Perfor- mance (see Battery Specifications) rating of the bat- tery for 15 seconds.
G.Take a voltage reading at 15 seconds, then re- move the load.
H.Using the table below, determine the minimum voltage for the cell temperature reading.
Minimum | Battery Electrolyte | |
Voltage | Temperature | |
9.6 | 70_F (and up) | 21.1_C (and up) |
9.5 | 60_F | 15.6_C |
9.4 | 50_F | 10.0_C |
9.3 | 40_F | 4.4_C |
9.1 | 30_F | |
8.9 | 20_F | |
8.7 | 10_F | |
8.5 | 0_F | |
I.If the test voltage is below the minimum, replace the battery. If the test voltage is at or above the mini- mum, return the battery to service.
Installation (Fig. 10 and 11)
IMPORTANT: To prevent possible electrical prob- lems, install only a fully charged battery.
1.Make sure ignition switch and all accessories are
2.Make sure battery compartment is clean and re- painted if necessary.
3.Make sure all battery cables and connections are in good condition and battery clamp or hold down has been repaired or replaced.
4.Place battery in its compartment. Make sure battery is level and flat. Connect positive cable connector onto positive battery post. Tighten cap screw and lock nut with two wrenches.
5.Secure battery clamp or hold down to the battery and hold down rod with the washer and wing nut. Do not overtighten to prevent cracking or distorting the battery case.
6.Apply a light coat of grease on all battery posts and cable connectors to reduce corrosion after connections are made.
7.Connect a digital multimeter (set to amps) between the negative battery post and the negative (ground) cable connector. The reading should be less than 0.1 amp. If the reading is 0.1 amp or more, the unit’s electri- cal system should be tested and repaired.
8.Connect negative (ground) cable connector to the negative battery post. Tighten cap screw and lock nut with two wrenches.
To minimize possible damage to the battery and allow the battery to be fully charged, the slow charging meth- od is presented here. This charging method can be ac- complished with a constant current battery charger which is available in most shops.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when us- ing a battery charger.
NOTE: Using specific gravity of the battery cells is the most accurate method of determining battery condition.
1.Determine the battery charge level from either its open specific gravity or circuit voltage.
Battery Charge | Specific | Open Circuit |
Level | Gravity | Voltage |
100% | 1.265 | 12.68 |
75% | 1.225 | 12.45 |
50% | 1.190 | 12.24 |
25% | 1.155 | 12.06 |
0% | 1.120 | 11.89 |
Electrical Systems | Page 5 – 16 | Sand Pro 2020/3020/5020 |