Appendix A | Command Summary |
Server Commands (cont.)
SET LOAD SOftware <filename>
Sets host filename of firmware to load.
Begins XModem serial download of new firmware
SET PAssword <password>
Sets console password (default password is ACCESS)
SET PORT <parallelportname> BIDir [ENDIS]
Enables/disables bidirectional communications on parallel port, where <portname> is P1 for first parallel port or P2 for second parallel port
SET PORT <parallelportname> DMA [ENDIS]
Enables/disables DMA support on parallel port
SET PORT <parallelportname> FSTB [ENDIS]
Enables/disables fast strobe mode support on parallel port
SET PORT <parallelportname> NBUF [ENDIS]
Enables/disables no buffer support on parallel port
SET PROtect <password>
Set console protection password to prevent access to SET commands (use UNPROTECT command to access SET commands)
SET SERVEr DEscription
Sets node description string displayed with SHOW SERVER command
SET SERVEr STRing n "..."
Defines server BOT/EOT string (see Appendix B)
SET SERVIce <servicename> <protocol> [ENDIS]
Enable or disables specified protocol on the specified service.
PocketPro 100S Administrator’s Guide |