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Fig. 4.18 |
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Fig. 4.1b |
Fig. 4.1 35 mm film mounting
Film 35 mm
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Using the Scanner
4-1 Knowledge of Films
There are two basic formats for 35 mm film , one being positive and the other negative. When looking at positive film , the viewed image appears as you would expect the printed image to appear. When looking at negative film, the image is color reversed with light areas looking dark and dark areas appearing light. Typically, negative film is associated with print film , and positive film is associated with slide film. The scanner can handle either the positive or negative film formats .
Flg.4.1a Film in a typical slide mount
Fig.4.1b Film in an uncut strip
[b]Unexposed portion of film
[c]Image portion of film
Both sides of the film are not the same. One side is called the emulsion side. For optimum scanning, the emulsion side should face the bottom of the scanner, as shown in Figure 4.2. In many cases , the advantage of having the emulsion facing down may be minimal.
[e]Non-emulsion side of film
[I]Emulsion side of film
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