Fig. 3.8 SCSI termination network used with the LS-10 scanner
Terminaison interne du LS-10
SCSI-AbschluB an Scanner LS-10
[d) | [e) |
Fig. 3.9 SCSI internal flat cable |
Cable en nappe SCSI interne |
Internes |
3-4 Terminating the SCSI Chain
The SCSI chain is an electrical bus connecting two or more devices. It is critical that this bus be correctly terminated for the SCSI peripherals to work properly.
Termination is an electronics term that applies to the impedance found at both ends of the bus. The electrical signals on the SCSI bus are changing rapidly between their digital " on " and "off" states . To minimize nOise, a termination is placed on each end of the bus. The effects of this termination may be subtle, but are critical.
Typically, the computer sits at one end of the SCSI bus. Assuming this is the case, the SCSI controller in the computer has to be terminated .
Incorrect SCSI termination can cau.e unpredictable error•.
If one other SCSI peripheral shares this SCSI bus, it also has to be terminated. If additional SCSI devices sit on the bus between the two end SCSI devices, these devices can NOT be terminated . Only two terminated devices can reside on the SCSI bus, one at each end .
Improperly terminated SCSI peripherals can fail immediately or may work correctly for a week before generating their first errors.
Terminating an LS-10
[a]SCSI termination off
[b)SCSI termination on
3-5 SCSI Cables Used with Internal Scanners
The internal SCSI cable is a
[c)SCSI flat cable
[e)Connector protection key