TDR: Vp (Velocity of Propagation) or m/µS (meters per microsecond). This affects the TDR “velocity of propagation.” Use “Vp” in the US and Canada.
Use “m/µS” in other countries.
Use the [Enter] key to accept any changes and return. Use the [Return] key to return to the Welcome Screen without making changes.
Clock Format
Use the Clock Format setup to change the format of the clock. The clock is used for the timestamp and datestamp in stored results.
Use the [Up] and [Down] keys to highlight either the date or time. Use the [Tab] key to select the format parameter.
Date: m/d/y (month/day/year) or d.m.y (day.month. year). The m/d/y format is used in the US and Canada. The d.m.y format is used in most other countries.
Time: 12 hours or 24 hours. This affects the number of hours displayed in the clock. The 12 hour clock (with a.m. and p.m.) is used in the US and Canada. The 24 hour clock format is used in most other countries.
Use [Enter] to accept the changes and return. Use [Return] to return to the Welcome Screen without making changes.