Spectrum Analyzer (/SA option only)
This function provides a graphic display of the signals and noise on a line over a selected range of frequencies. Connect the red and black test leads to the pair. Use the [UP] and [DOWN] arrow keys to select the frequency span of interest. The endpoints of the frequency span bar will change to indicate the frequency range. Use the [LEFT] and [RIGHT] arrow keys to move the cursor across the screen. The frequency of the cursor position appears in the center of the span bar.
The 965DSP continuously analyzes the signals and noise present on the pair. The screen displays the average power of all the signals and noise in the selected span in dBm at the upper left. The actual signal level at the cursor position is displayed in dB at the upper right.
Interfering noise signals on a pair often occur as the result of crosstalk from other wideband services in the same cable. Each wideband service type has a unique frequency signature. Use the spectrum analyzer to classify the source of the noise interference on a pair.