RFL Single Pair
Use the RFL Single Pair hookup when only one wire in a pair is faulted and a separate good pair is not available.
Use the Separate Pair hookup for all cases in which a separate pair is available; it is always the preferred method.
You must first use the Ohms function to identify a faulted conductor in a pair and to verify that the other conductor is not faulted.
Once you identify the wires, strap the faulted and good conductor together at the
Press the [RFL] key and select “Single pair” using the [Tab] key.
Verify correct wire gauge and temperature. Use the [Setup] key to change the gauge or temperature.
Connect the red test lead to the faulted conductor in the pair. Connect the green test lead to the good conductor of the same pair. Connect the black Lead to the reference. (The reference wire could be the shield or another wire in the cable.)
Press the [Enter] key after you have made the above connections. If the connections are OK, the 965DSP will go directly to the RFL results screen.