ADSL Connecting
The 965DSP displays this screen while it is connecting with the DSLAM.
Status messages about the connection process are displayed as they occur.
The hourglass indicator at the bottom of the screen is displayed as the connection process proceeds. Connection states include:
Starting: The ADSL modem in the 965DSP is initializing
Searching: The ADSL modem in the 965DSP is attempting to locate the DSLAM
Linking: A DSLAM is present, and the 965DSP is synchronizing with it
Connected: The 965DSP has completed the connection process and has achieved ‘showtime’
Failed: The modem connection process failed
When the modems have connected, the 965DSP proceeds directly to a connection status screen. If a connection failure occurs, a warning screen displaying a text or numeric message indicating the failure mode is displayed.
ADSL Pass/Fail
When the connection process is complete, the 965DSP displays the Pass/Fail screen only if Thresholds are enabled (see ADSL Setup).