AD-4402 Page 113
Category address
: [Function] - [Function setting] - [Sequence] - [Basic]
symbol Name Descriptions Range
choices Default
5q f- 1 Weighing mode 1: Constomer programmed control
2: Sequential weighing 1 to 2 2
5q f- 3 Loss-in weight 0: Normal batch weighing
1: Loss-in weight
2: External exchange 0 to 2 0
5q f- 4 Setpoint
comparison 0: Comparison with internal count
1: Comparison with display count 1 to 2 1
5q f- 5 Comparison 0: Always output
1: Stable condition
2: At batch finish 0 to 2 2
5q f- 7 Output of zero band 0: Gross <= Zero band
1: | Gross | <= Zero band 1 to 2 1
5q f- 8 Recipe mode 0: Not used recipe sequence
1: Semi-automatic mode
2: Automatic mode 0 to 2 0
5q f- 9 Material code, free
fall value
The selection to store free fall value on
the automatic free fall compensation
or realtime free fall compensation.
0: No change
Even if auto matic fre e fall
compensation is used, parameter
of the free fall stored in the material
code is not changed.
1: Change free fall value
The result is memorized to the
parameter of the free fall in the
material code.
0 to 1 0