7.3.6.Plain Recipe Sequence

The plain recipe sequence mixes preset target weights of plural materials that are stored in a recipe code. A hundred recipe codes can be stored in the indicator. A recipe code can store ten material codes and the order to mix them.

There are the following two modes that can select at Recipe mode.


[5qf- 8]


The mode that uses (external) start command for




each material.


[5qf- 8]


The mode that does not need each start command.




When the under weight occurs in a material, an




error code SQ.ERR 2 is displayed and sequence





Concerning Parameters of the Function

Selecting normal batching of sequential weighing.




f- 8]

Recipe mode




f- 8] [1]

Semi-automatic mode, or




f- 8] [2]

Automatic mode





[Function] - [Function setting] - [Sequence] - [Basic] - [Recipe mode]



Making zero display automatically when starting the recipe sequence.










[Function] - [Function setting] - [Sequence] - [Control] - [Recipe start action]

Clearing tare value, mixing them and discharging them when finishing the recipe



[5q f- 17]

[Function] - [Function setting] - [Sequence] - [Control] - [Recipe finish action]

Changing the width of the finish signal output of the recipe sequence.

[5q f-45] [Function] - [Function setting] - [Sequence] - [Timer] - [Recipe finish output on]

Calculating totals in each recipe code.

[5q f-62] [Function] - [Function setting] - [Sequence] - [Accumulation] - [Automatic recipe code total]

Weighing a single material code during a recipe sequence

When it have to weigh the material code temporarily during a recipe sequence, use formulation (recipe) prohibition command of the external I/O or OP-05. When the prohibition works, the material code can be used and total of the recipe is not accumulated.

Setting of the I/O.

[1n f-nn] [49] Prohibition of recipe sequence. nn: terminal number of I/O.

[Function] - [Function setting] - [Control I/O] - [Input]


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A&D PD4000243 manual Plain Recipe Sequence, Weighing a single material code during a recipe sequence