8.3. Built-in Current Loop Output
Transmission system | EIA |
Current | 1 = 20mA, 0 = 0 mA, external DC current source |
Data length | 7 bis |
Start bit | 1 bit |
Parity bit | Even |
Stop bits | 1 bit |
Baud rate | 600 bps, 12000 bps, 2400 bps |
Code | ASCII code |
B |
SG |
FG |
Current loop Output
Current loop Output LOOP terminals have not polarity.
The current loop output has not polarity.
Use an external DC current source.
Connect the FG terminal when using the shield cable.
8.3.2.Communication Modes
There are the following modes.
Stream Mode
The data is output at every update of display. If the data can not output due to slow baud rate completely, data is output at next update.
Auto Print Mode
The data is printed at batch finish and recipe finish automatically.
Manual Print Mode
When the preset print key or terminal is pressed, data is output.
Accumulation Print Mode
When accumulating it or canceling the last result, the result of batch finish and recipe finish is printed. When canceling the last result, the inverse polarity data is output.
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