AD-4402 Page 125
Category address
: [Function] - [Function setting] - [Serial] - [Current loop]
symbol Name Descriptions Range
choices Default
Cl f- 1 Output data
1: Weighing value
2: Gross value
2: Net value
4: Tare value
5: Gross value/ Net value/ Tare value
6: Weighing value with material code
7: Gross value with material code
8: Net value with material code
9: Tare value with material code
10: Gross value/ Net value/ Tare value
with material code
1 to 10 1
Cl f- 2 Comunication
1: Stream mode
2: Auto print mode
3: Manual print mode
4: Print at accumulation
5: Jet Stream mode
1 to 4 1
Cl f- 3 Baud rate 1: 600 bps
2: 12000 bps
3: 2400 bps 1 to 3 3
Cl f- 4 Burst rate of
continuous output
Set the burst time when gross, net or
tare is output continuously.
Stream mode uses 0.0 s.
0.00 to
2.55 s0.00 s
s: Second