Getting Started
N9061A Application Description
N9061A Application Description
The N9061A application is the remote language compatibility suite for the Agilent Technologies
X-Series of signal analyzers. It allows the analyzers to be controlled using many of the remote
programming commands from the following analyzers:
8560 E/EC Series Portable Spectrum Analyzers, comp ris i ng :
— 8560E
— 8560EC
— 8561E
— 8561EC
— 8562E
— 8562EC
— 8563E
— 8563EC
— 8564E
— 8564EC
— 8565E
— 8565EC
• 8566A/B
• 8568A/B
NOTE The 8566A/B and the 8568A/B are not considered part of the 8560 series of
The X-Series analyzer with the N9061A application installed is designed to replace these analyzers in
many automated systems with minimal or no modification to the currently used measurement software.
There are two options for N9061A. One is N9061A-1FP, 8566A/B and 8568A/B remote language
compatibility, the other is N9061A-2FP, 8560 Series remote language compatibility.