Agilent Technologies N9030a manual 365

Models: N9030a

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I2, 175

ID, 177

identify remote language, 177 IEEE command termination, 361 IF adjustment, 99

illegal command SRQ, 291 impedance

units, 77 input

attenuation, 104 coupling, 133

input attenuation, 35 installing N9061A, 25 instrument preset, 178 integer variable (variables), 360 IP, 178


keyword parameter (commands), 359 KS(, 181

KS), 182

KS,, 179

KS=, 180

KSA, 183

KSa, 184

KSB, 185

KSb, 186

KSC, 187

KSc, 188

KSD, 189

KSd, 190

KSE, 191

KSe, 192

KSG, 193

KSg, 194

KSH, 195

KSh, 196

KSi, 197

KSj, 198

KSK, 199

KSk, 200

KSL, 201

KSl, 202

KSM, 203

KSm, 204

KSN, 205

KSn, 206

KSO, 207

KSo, 208

KSp, 209

KST, 210

KSV, 211

KSx, 212

KSy, 213

KSZ, 214


L0, 215

legacy instrument selection, 29 level

mixer, 267 reference, 301 reference offset, 304 video trigger, 353

LG, 217 licensing, 25 licensing N9061A, 25 LIMF, 219 LIMIFAIL, 220 LIMIPURGE, 221 LIMIREL, 222 limit

lower amplitude, 223 upper amplitude, 225

limit line

delete current, 221 frequency value, 219 relative, 222

limits failed, 220 LIML, 223 LIMTSL, 224 LIMU, 225 line trigger, 327

line trigger mode, 337 linear scale, 226 LN, 226

LO adjustment, 99

LO and IF adjustment, 99 loading N9061A, 25 lock registers, 181

log file, 33 logarithmic scale, 217 logging, 33

lower adjacent channel power, 90 lower-limit amplitude, 223

lsb length, 77


M1, 227

M2, 228

M3, 229

M4, 230 MA, 231 marker

activate, 242 amplitude, 241 amplitude output, 231 bandwidth, 243

center frequency, 148, 244 counter resolution, 248 delta, 229, 245

delta step size, 149 frequency, 246

frequency counter, 247 frequency counter off, 232 frequency counter on, 233 frequency output, 238 minimum, 205, 250 next peak, 199

noise, 252 noise off, 201 noise on, 203 normal, 228, 251

occupied power bandwidth, 139 off, 227, 253

peak, 147, 255 peak excursion, 257 position, 254 readout, 258 reference level, 150 span, 207

step size, 149, 262 threshold, 256 time, 263

to center frequency, 148

to reference level, 150, 260 to span, 261

trace, 264 track, 265 track off, 269 track on, 270 type, 266 zoom, 230

marker counter resolution, 180 marker frequency counter off, 232 marker frequency counter on, 233 marker minimum, 205

marker noise off, 201 marker noise on, 203 marker readout, 258

marker readout in frequency, 258 marker span, 207

marker to next peak, 199 marker trace, 264

max mixer level, 35

maximum adjacent channel power, 91 maximum hold, 80, 111, 271 MC0, 232

MC1, 233

MDS, 234

MEAN, 235 mean

power measurement, 236 trace, 235

MEANPWR, 236 MEAS, 237 measurement

data size, 234 MF, 238 MINH, 239


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Agilent Technologies N9030a manual 365