Agilent Technologies N9030a manual 367

Models: N9030a

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reserved words, 76 resolution

marker counter, 180, 248 resolution bandwidth, 295

coupling, 134

to span ratio, 297

video bandwidth ratio, 350

results data, identifying block size, 361 returning or storing trace values, 330,

331, 338, 339, 340 REV, 300

revision, 300 RL, 301 RMS, 303 ROFFSET, 304

root mean square value, 303 RQS, 305

rules and limitations, 20 ac/dc coupling, 20 couplings, 21 markers, 21 numeric ranges, 20 parsing, 21 predefined functions, 21 remote control, 20 returning data, 20 supported commands, 22 units, 20

upsupported commands and queries, 22

user-defined functions, 21


S1, 306

S2, 307

sample detection, 192 save state, 308, 324 SAVES, 308

saving analyzer state, 281 scale

linear, 226 logarithmic, 217

SCPI commands, 38 SCPI language

basic info, 356

command parameters, 359 command syntax, 356 keyword parameters, 359 valid commands, 356

screen title, 336 display, 336

scrolling log file, 33 secondary keywords, 76 select remote language, 29 selection

channel, 126 send commands, 37

SER, 309

serial number, 309 service and calibration, 40 service request, 316


date, 310

RF coupling to AC, 175 RF coupling to DC, 173 time, 311



setting the marker counter resolution, 180

shipment verification list, 19

signal-to-noise ratio, 252 single sweep, 307, 313 SMOOTH, 312 smooth trace, 312 SNGLS, 313


8560 Series, 29 8560E/EC, 29 8561E/EC, 29 8562E/EC, 29 8563E/EC, 29 8564E/EC, 29 8565E/EC, 29 Atten Offset, 35 Clear Log, 34 Cmd Error Log, 33 HP8566B, 29 HP8568B, 29 Limit RBW/VBW, 35 Next Page, 33 Previous Page, 33 Refresh, 34

SP, 314

span, 297, 314 frequency, 314 full, 163 marker, 207, 261

span zoom, 230 special, 76

numbers, 76 SRQ, 316

end-of-sweep,292 hardware broken, 293 illegal command, 291 units-key-pressed,294 user-defined,316

SS, 317

ST, 318

standard deviation of trace amplitudes, 321

start frequency, 156 state

recall, 298, 299 save, 308, 324 trace, 343

status byte query, 320 STB, 320 STDEV, 321

step size

center frequency, 317 marker, 262

stop frequency, 157

string parameter (variables), 360 SUM, 322

sum of traces, 322 SV, 324


continuous, 132, 306 couple, 325

delay, 144 query, 237 single, 307, 313 take, 344 time, 318

sweep time coupling, 136 SWPCPL, 325

syntax elements, 76 syntax for commands, 76



adjacent channel power, 97





,330 , 344


, 332T1T2T3T4TAtake sweepTBTDF

terminators command, 76

TH, 333

THE, 334 threshold, 333

marker, 256 threshold enable, 334 time, 335

elapsed, 154 marker, 263 set, 311 units, 77

time date, 335

time parameter (variables), 360 TIMEDATE, 335 time-gating,166

tips compatibility, 72 speed, 72


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Agilent Technologies N9030a manual 367