Agilent Technologies N9030a manual N9061A General Rules and Limitations, Remote Control

Models: N9030a

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Getting Started

N9061A General Rules and Limitations

N9061A General Rules and Limitations

The N9061A application has been designed to emulate as closely as possible the operation of the specified spectrum analyzers. It is not, however, intended as an absolute direct replacement for these analyzers.

Remote Control

The N9061A application in X-Series signal analyzers supports remote operation through the GPIB interface. It does not support working over LAN, USB or Telnet.


The N9061A application supports all units used in legacy products. The allowed units are HZ, KHZ, MHZ, GHZ, KZ, MZ, GZ, DBM, DBMV, DBUV, MV, UV, V, MW, UW, W, DB, DM, MS, US, SC, and S (case insensitive in 8566/68). A command terminator such as ";" also acts as a unit terminator.

Numeric Ranges

Numeric ranges are limited to that of the X-Series unless otherwise stated, although commands such as FS or IP that go to a default range will use the range of the legacy instrumentation.

Returning Data

The X-Series and legacy instruments have a different approach when returning data to the controller. The X-Series and 8560-series analyzers operate a FIFO buffer for command return values. If a command returns a value that the controller does not read, the returned data is stored until such a time that the controller requires the value. The 8566, 8568, and 8590-series legacy analyzers only store one value at a time. Any value stored is overwritten each time a command returns a value. The N9071A application handles this difference appropriately only within a single command string.

In the case of query string, it returns the query result for the last command in the string. For example, if "CF?MA?FA?" is sent, the result of FA? will be returned. However, this rule does not work if the query is located at both sides of the "TS" command. When the command string "MA;TS;CF?" is sent, the result of CF? will be returned in the next query.

AC/DC Coupling

The 44 GHz and 50 GHz X-Series analyzers only have DC coupling. The X-Series analyzers with a 26.5 GHz frequency range and lower, default to AC coupling on preset. The N9061A application will ensure that DC coupling is the default when the selected instrument is HP8566A, HP8566B, HP8563, HP8564, or HP8565.

When AC coupled, the 8560E/61E/62E have a 100 kHz low frequency limit, while the X-Series analyzers has a 10 MHz limit.

For HP8568A/B compatibility and consistency, the I1 and I2 commands have been supported. These select AC or DC coupling at the RF input. Note tht the HP8568A/B has two RF input ports in comparison with the X-Series, which only has one.


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Agilent Technologies N9030a manual N9061A General Rules and Limitations, Remote Control