Agilent Technologies N9030a manual Syntax Elements

Models: N9030a

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Programming Commands



Command Syntax

Table 4-1

Syntax Elements





Syntax Component








Character string


A list of characters.






Data byte


8-bit byte containing numeric or character data.






Data byte & EOI


8-bit byte containing numeric or character data followed by end-or-identify (EOI)




condition, where the EOI control line on GPIB is asserted to indicate the end of the




transmission. END signifies the EOI condition.








\ @ ˆ $ % ; ! Matching characters that mark the beginning and end of a character




string, or a list of analyzer commands. Choose delimiting characters that are not used




within the string they delimit.








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9






lsb length


Represents the least significant byte of a two-byte word that describes the number of




bytes returned or transmitted. See msb length.






msb length


Represents the most significant byte of a two-byte word that describes the number of




bytes returned or transmitted. See lsb length.








Expressed as integer, decimal, or in exponential (E) form.




Real Number Range: ± 1.797693134862315 ⋅ 10308, including 0.




Up to 15 significant figures allowed.




Numbers may be as small as ± 2.225073858507202 ⋅ 10−308




Integer Number Range: −32,768 through +32,767






Output termination


Line feed (LF) and end-or-identify (EOI) condition. ASCII code 10 (line feed) is sent




via GPIB and the end-or-identify control line on GPIB sets to indicate the end of the












Represent standard scientific units.




Frequency Units: GZ, GHZ, MZ, MHZ, KZ, KHZ, HZ




Amplitude Units: DB, DBMV, DM, DBM, DBUV, V, MV, UV, W, MW, UW




Time Units: SC, S, MS, US







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Agilent Technologies N9030a manual Syntax Elements