Error Messages

Page 35-13

Chassis Error Messages

The slots in the messages within the following table are all zero based. That is, Slot 1 will be

displayed as “Slot 0,” Slot 2 will be displayed as “Slot 1,” etc.

Chassis Error Messages Table

Message Corrective Action
Problem deleting SLP port
xxx, errno=xx Reboot the system, then use the Boot Line configuration to
force SLIP down at the boot line (refer to Appendix A “The
Boot Line Prompt”).
Unknown mod type xxx in slot
xxx Remove the module from the slot.
Board xxx needed to be
restarted at xxx The module appears dead. Remove the module from the slot
and replace with a known good module.
Chassis mgr discovered xxx
has a problem! The software has discovered a dead task. The system will
reboot automatically.
System seems to have (per-
haps) recovered. A reboot
may not be unwise, however.
The system encountered an unexpected condition. Reboot the
cm_Mod_Event(): the slot
wasn’t empty The system is confused. Clear the system by rebooting it.
ERROR: can’t read ID info
from MPM in slot xxx...shutting
down chassis manager
This may indicate a bad MPX. Try power cycling.
Please run
cmConfigEPROMxxx and
This may indicate a bad MPX. Try power cycling.
Can’t read ID info from fail... This may indicate a bad module in slot xxx. Try power cycling.
cm_Mod_Event(): slot was
already empty! Reboot the system.
Problem reading ID PROM on
module xxx Try power cycling. If the problem remains, remove the module
and try another slot.
ID PROM on module xxx has
unknown format number xxx Try power cycling. If the problem remains, remove the module
and try another slot.
Real-Time Clock not set yet!
Starting at zero. Reset the clock by using the uic command.
Unknown modem stop
bits=xxx Change stop bits by configuring boot line (refer to Appendix A
“The Boot Line Prompt”).
Couldn’t read reset count,
returning 0 This message appears only once if the configuration file is
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