NTP Access Control Menu
Page 12-36

NTP Access Control Menu

To view the NTP Access Control Menu, enter the ntaccess command at the system prompt. If
you are using verbose mode the NTP configuration menu is displayed. Otherwise, enter a
question mark (?) at the prompt to display this menu:
Command NTP Access Control Menu
--------------- --------------------------------------------------------
ntpreqk change the request message authentication keyid
ntpctlk change the control message authentication keyid
ntpckey add one or more key ID's to the trusted list
ntpvkey display the trusted key ID list
ntpdkey remove one or more key ID's from the trusted list
ntpauth display the state of the authentication code
ntpcres create restrict entry/add flags to entry
ntpvres view the server's restrict list
ntpmres remove flags from a restrict entry
ntpdres delete a restrict entry
ntpctrap configure a trap in the server
ntpvtrap display the traps set in the server
ntpdtrap remove a trap (configured or otherwise) from the server
Related Menus:
Ntconfig Ntinfo Ntstats Ntadmin Ntaccess
The main menu options are shown in the Related Menus list for quick access if you need to
change menus.

Change the Request Message Authentication Key ID

There are two types of messages an NTP entity can send to another NTP entity: request and
control. Request messages ask for information from the NTP entity such as timestamp informa-
tion, statistics, etc. It is possible to change the authentication key identifier for request
messages sent from the switch to another NTP entity.
To change the authentication key ID, enter the ntpreqk command as shown:
ntpreqk <value>
where <value> is the new key ID. Press <return>, and a brief message is displayed confirming
the operation.
The authentication key ID must match in both the
switch sending the message and the switch receiving
the message.