Multiple User Sessions
Page 4-37

Advanced Kill Command Options

You can also kill the session of a user immediately by adding the parameter -f followed by
the session number of the user. This option will kill the user’s session before he can finish his
current command. In addition, this option will end the user’s sessions without waiting for him
to press <Enter>. This option can be used to log off a user with the write privilege who forgot
to log out and then gain the write privilege for yourself.
If you wanted to kill the session of the user with a session number of 2 immediately, you
would enter
kill -f 2
at the system prompt.
The default timeout for the kill command is 2 seconds. You can modify the duration of the
timeout by using -t option in conjunction with the -f option. To use the timeout option, enter
kill, followed by -t, the number of seconds for the timeout, -f, and the session number of the
user. For example, if you wanted to kill the session of the user with a session number of 2 in
15 seconds, you would enter
kill -t15 -f 2
at the system prompt. The valid range for the timeout is 1 to 240 seconds.
You cannot use the timeout option (-t) unless you also
use the -f option.