Multiple User Sessions
Page 4-36
For example, to end the session of the user connected to the console port (session 0) and let
him finish his current command, you would enter
kill 0
at the system prompt. The system would then display something similar to the following:
Press <Enter> to cancel.
The user losing the write privilege would see something similar to the following:
Your session will be killed by user 'admin' on session 3
as soon as you finish this command or press return.
After the user with the session being killed has finished his work, he will be logged off. If the
user who was logged off had the write privilege, you will gain the write privilege and a
message similar to the following will be displayed.
You have gained the WRITE privilege
You can use the who command to confirm that you now have the write privilege.
In addition, the session number used in the kill command must be valid. If, for example, you
kill 1
and no user was connected to the modem port (session 1), the system would display the
ERROR: Session 1 is an invalid session number.
Also, you cannot use the kill command to end your own session. For example, if your session
number is 3 and you entered
kill 3
the system would display the following:
ERROR: You cannot kill your own session.
Instead, use the quit or logout command if you want to log out.