Using FTP Client
Page 5-3

Using FTP Client

The User Interface contains several FTP commands. Using these commands is similar to using
FTP on a UNIX system. Follow the steps below to start the FTP Client.
1. Log on to the switch and type ftp. For instructions on logging into the switch see the
Getting Started Guide that came with your switch.
2. The system will prompt for a host. It saves the last host name or IP address used. If it’s the
one you want, press <Enter> or enter the new address.
3. The system will prompt for a user name. It saves the last user name. If it’s the one you
want, press <Enter> or enter the new user name.
4. The system will prompt for a password. Enter your password.
5. After logging onto the system you will receive the ftp> prompt. Type a question mark (?)
to review the ftp commands. These commands are described in Chapter 7, “Managing
Files.” The following screen displays:
Supported commands:
ascii binary bye cd delete
dir get help hash ls
put pwd quit remotehelp user
ascii Set transfer type to ASCII (7-bit).
binary Set transfer type to binary (8-bit).
bye Close gracefully.
cd Change to a new directory on the remote machine.
delete Delete a file on the remote machine.
dir Obtain a long listing on the remote machine.
get Retrieve a file from the remote machine.
hash Print the hash symbol (#) for every block of data transferred. This
command toggles hash enabling and disabling.
ls Summary listing of the current directory on the remote host.
put Send a file to the remote machine.
pwd Display the current (present) working directory on the remote host.
quit Close gracefully.
remotehelp List the commands that the remote FTP server supports.
user Send new user information.
lpwd Display the current (present) working directory on the local host.
? Summarize this list.
If you lose communications while running ftp, you may receive the following message:
Waiting for reply (Hit ^C to abort)...........
6. You may press <cntl-c> to abort the ftp or wait until the communication failure is resolved
and the ftp transfer will continue. Note that Sun OS systems lose echo when you use the
cntl-c key combination.