Changing Passwords
Page 8-2

Changing Passwords

The switch provides three types of login accounts by default—Administrator, User and Diag-
nostics. The Administrator login provides full READ/WRITE access to all command families.
The login name for the Administrator account is admin. The login name for the default User
account is user and provides READ ONLY access to the switch’s command families except for
the global family, and NO WRITE privileges. The Diagnostics login has full READ/WRITE access
to all command families plus a command for running switching module tests. The login name
for Diagnostics is diag.
The initial password for all three accounts is switch. If you log in as diag you can change the
passwords for the diag and admin login accounts. If you log in as admin, however, you can
only change the password for the admin login account. To change the password, complete the
following steps. Remember that the User Interface does not echo (display) the password char-
1. From the prompt, type
pw <account-name>
The <account-name> is the user login name (diag, admin) for which you want to change
the password. The following prompt displays:
Changing password for account:<account-name>
Old password:
2. Enter the old password and press <Enter>. If you enter the old password incorrectly, the
following message displays:
Authentication failure
and the command will terminate. You will then need to start over from Step 1 above.
If you answered the old password correctly, the following prompt displays:
New password:
3. Enter the new password (you are allowed up to 18 characters) and press <Enter>. The
following prompt displays:
Retype new:
4. Re-enter the new password to confirm it and press <Enter>.
It is recommended that you change the password from
the default for all login accounts.
The passwords are stored encrypted in the mpm.cnf file. If you forget your password, you will
have to delete the mpm.cnf file which will cause the passwords to revert to the default.
Deleting the mpm.cnf file will also remove all of your
configuration data and restore everything back to
factory settings.