Port Mirroring
Page 19-60

Setting Up Port Mirroring

You set up port mirroring when you add or modify a port through the addvp or modvp
commands. The switch software senses the type of port you are configuring, so it will only
prompt you for port mirroring when configuring an Ethernet port. Follow the steps below to
set up port mirroring.
1. Start the addvp or modvp command for the virtual port that you want to mirror.
2. At the Command prompt enter 8=e, press <Enter> and you will be prompted for the slot
and port number of the “mirroring” port (i.e., the port that can “see” all traffic for this
Mirroring vport slot/port ? ( ) :
3. Enter the mirroring port’s slot, a slash (/), the port number, and then press <Enter>. The
port that you indicate here will be disabled and only capable of receiving duplicate traffic
from the mirrored port. If port mirroring is not supported on this port, then the following
prompt will display:
mirroring not supported on this port type
After entering the Mirroring slot and port number, the addvp or modvp screen of options
re-displays with the changes you entered. If you are done modifying or adding the port,
enter save at the Command prompt. If using the addvp command a message indicating that
you have successfully set up the port displays. Port mirroring takes place immediately, so
you could now connect a probe or network analyzer to the Mirroring port.

Disabling Port Mirroring

You can disable port mirroring through the modvp command. Follow these steps to disable
port mirroring.
1. Start the modvp command for the virtual port on which you want to disable port mirror-
2. At the Command prompt enter 8=d, press <Enter>. The modvp screen re-displays. The
Mirrored Port Status field should read Disabled, available.