UI Table Filtering (Using Search and Filter Commands)
Page 4-41

The Filter Command

The Filter command filters unwanted information from a UI table by displaying only those
lines containing a specified text pattern (up to 80 characters). Once the Filter command has
been executed, the Filter mode remains active until the end of the UI table has been reached,
or until the user exits the current UI table.
Like the Search command, the Filter command cannot be limited to a specific column or
To use the Filter command, type f at the More? prompt, followed by the text pattern you want
displayed in the UI table, then press <Enter>.
Important Note
The Filter command is case sensitive. When using this
command, be sure to type the text pattern exactly as it
would appear in the UI table.
Real World Example
The following example uses the Filter command to display only those lines containing Lane
services in the vivl table. (Before using this example, be sure that the more mode is enabled
and the default is set at 22 lines. For more information, refer to page 4-38.)
1. Type vivl and press <Enter>. A table similar to the following will be displayed:
Note that, because the information in the table exceeds the more command’s default of 22
lines, the More? prompt appears at the bottom of the screen.
Virtual Interface VLAN Membership
Slot / Intf / Service / Instance Group Member of VLAN#
----------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------
1 /1 /Rtr /1 1 1
1 /1 /Rtr /2 33 1
1 /1 /Rtr /3 111 1
1 /1 /Rtr /4 33 2
1 /1 /Rtr /5 1 3
1 /1 /Rtr /6 1 4
1 /1 /Rtr /7 33 7
1 /1 /Rtr /8 33 3
1 /1 /Rtr /9 1 5
1 /1 /Rtr /10 1 6
1 /1 /Rtr /11 33 5
1 /1 /Rtr /12 33 6
1 /1 /Rtr /13 999 1
2 /1 /Lne /1 1 1
2 /1 /Lne /2 111 1
3 /1 /Brg /1 33 1 4
3 /2 /Brg /1 1 1
3 /3 /Brg /1 1 1
3 /4 /Brg /1 1 1
More? [<SP>,<CR>,/,F,N,Q,?]