The IPX Submenu
Page 27-4

The IPX Submenu

The ipx command in the Networking menu is used to access a submenu containing all the
IPX-related commands. For more information about the Networking menu, see Chapter 25,
“IP Routing.”
To display the IPX submenu, enter the following commands:
If you have enabled the verbose mode, you don’t need to enter the question mark (?).
A screen similar to the following displays:
Command IPX Menu
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
ipxr View IPX routes
ipxs View IPX stats and errors
ipxsap View IPX SAP bindery
aipxsr Add an IPX static route
ripxsr Remove an IPX static route
ipxoff Turn off the IPX router complex
ipxon Turn on the IPX router complex
ipxflush Flush IPX router RIP and/or SAP tables
ipxping IPX Ping a system
ipxfilter Add/delete an IPX RIP/SAP filter
ipxf Display IPX RIP/SAP filters
ipxserialf Enable/Disable IPX Serialization Packet Filtering
ipxspoof Enable/Disable IPX Watchdog Spoofing
spxspoof Enable/Disable SPX Keepalive Spoofing
ipxtype20 Turn on/off forwarding of IPX Type 20 packets
ipxtimer Add/Delete SAP and RIP timers
ipxt Display SAP and RIP timers
ipxdrt Turn on/off a default route for IPX
ipxext Turn on/off extended IPX RIP and SAP packets
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This chapter describes all of the above commands. The remaining sections of this chapter
cover each of the above commands in the order in which they appear in the IPX submenu.