Changing Serial Port Communication Parameters
Page 6-2

Changing Serial Port Communication Parameters

The serial communications parameters for the two MPX ports are set by default to the follow-
9600 bits per second (bps)
8 data bits
1 stop bit
no parity
To change the serial port configuration parameters, follow the steps below:
1. Log into the switch. For instructions on logging in, see your Getting Started Guide.
2. At the system prompt, type ser.
3. You will see the following message:
Port to configure? {(C)onsole,(M)odem} (Console) :
Press C if you want to configure the console port (female, DCE) parameters, or type M to
configure the modem port (male, DTE) parameters. The default is the Console Port (C).
4. The current port values are shown, followed by a prompt to change the speed value.
Current Console (DCE) configuration:
9600 bps, 8 data bits, None parity, 1 stop bit, running Console (shell)
Speed (9600):
Enter the speed (in bits per second) at which you want the port to operate, or simply
press <Enter> to accept the default in parentheses. Valid values are 1200, 9600, 19200, and
38400 bps.
5. The following prompt displays:
Data size {7/8} bits (8) :
Enter the data size in bits (7 or 8). The default is 8. Press <Enter> to accept the default in
6. The following prompt displays:
Parity { (N)one/(E)ven/(O)dd } (None) :
Enter the parity (none, even, odd) and press <Enter>. The default is None.
7. The following prompt displays:
Stop bits {0/1/2} (1):
Enter the number of stop bits (0, 1, or 2) and press <Enter>. The default is 1.
8. The following prompt displays:
Mode {(D)own,(C)onsole,(A)uxConsole,(S)LIP} (C) :