The Switch Menu
Page 18-30

Port Translations

The swch command allows you configure translations on a port-by-port basis. Its translation
options are similar to those for ethdef, fddidef, and trdef. However, instead of applying transla-
tions to all ports for a particular media type, swch applies translations only to the port you
To specify translation for a single port:
1. Start the swch command by entering it at the prompt as shown:
swch <slot>/<port>
where <slot> is the board on which the port is located and <port> is the port number. For
example, to set the translation for port 1 on slot 2, enter the following:
swch 2/1
2. Something like the following screen displays, showing the current translation settings for
the port:
Port Translations for Ethernet port 2/1/brg/1
0 Framing Type: DFLT
Translation Options:
1 IP Ethertype -> Ethertype
2 IP IEEE 802 SNAP -> Ethertype
3 IPX ETHERNET_II -> 802.3
4 IPX ETHERNET_802.3 -> 802.3
The top line of the display indicates the media type of the port as well as the slot number,
port number, service type, and service number. The next line, Framing Type, indicates the
framing type applied to this port through the modvp command. If the framing type had
been defined through the Switch menu, then this field would read SWCH.
3. The Translation Options section shows the six frame types for which you can set transla-
tion options. The frame type in the left column indicates the incoming frame, and the
frame type in the right column (after the ->) indicates the outgoing frame. You can config-
ure the outgoing frame type for each incoming frame.
Note that the default option is a question mark (?). If you press <Return>, the help infor-
mation will be redisplayed
4. You change an outgoing frame type by entering its line number, an equal sign (=) and a
frame type indicator (e, s, 2, or 3). The frame type indicators represent the following
e Ethernet II or Ethertype
2 802.2 or LLC
3 Ethernet 802.3
For example, if you wanted to translate incoming IPX SNAP frames to LLC frames, then
you would enter