Port Monitoring
Page 19-64

If You Chose Dump to Screen

If you selected the Dump to screen option, then a real-time synopsis of the session displays on
your terminal screen. The following shows an example of this data
Enter 'p' to pause, 'q' to quit.
Destination | Source | Type | Data
00:20:DA:04:01:02 | 00:20:DA:04:01:01 | ICMP | 01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08
00:20:DA:04:01:02 | 00:20:DA:04:01:01 | ICMP | 01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08
FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF | 00:20:DA:02:10:E3 | ARP-C | 08:06:00:01:08:00:06:04
FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF | 00:20:DA:6F:97:A3 | RIP | 08:00:45:00:00:34:22:30
Each line in the display represents a packet. The destination MAC address, source MAC
address, protocol type and actual packet data are shown. The amount of data shown is
configured through the pmcfg command. The above sample shows 16 bytes of data per
packet. You can stop the data dump to the screen at anytime by pressing q to quit. You can
also pause the data dump by pressing p to pause.

If You Did Not Choose Dump to Screen

If you did not select the Dump to screen option, then the system prompt will return and port
monitoring occurs in the background. You can continue using other UI commands. The port
monitoring session data is saved in the file you indicated through the pmon screen. You can
monitor the session at anytime by using the pmstats command. You can also end or pause an
in-progress session using the pmdelete or pmpause commands, respectively. The following
sections describes pmdelete and pmpause.
Ending a Port Monitoring Session (pmdelete)
The pmdelete command ends a port monitoring data capture session that is being saved to file
but not being dumped to the console screen. To end the session, enter:
A message similar to the following displays:
Port monitoring session terminated, data file is xxxxx.ENC.
If a port monitoring session was not in progress then the following message displays:
No ports being monitored.
Pausing a Port Monitoring Session (pmpause)
The pmpause command pauses a port monitoring data capture session that is being saved to
file but not being dumped to the console screen. To pause the session, enter:
The following message displays
Pausing monitor data capture/display.
To resume the port monitoring session, enter pmp again. The following message displays:
Resuming monitor data capture.
If a port monitoring session was not in progress, then the following message would display:
No ports being monitored.