Viewing Configuration Parameters for the WSX
Page 29-34

Viewing Port Parameters

To view port parameters, enter the following command
frview <slot>/<port>
where <slot> is the slot number where the WSX board is located, and <port> is the port
number on the WSX board on which you want to view information. For example, if you
wanted to view configuration parameters for Port number 1 on the WSX board in slot 2, you
would enter
frview 2/1
frv 2/1
A screen similar to following displays:
Frame Relay port for Slot 2, Port 1.
1) Description................................................................... = Port1
2) Administrative Status .................................................. = UP
3) DLCMI Type.................................................................. = ANSI T1.617 Annex D
31) DLCMI Type ........................................................... = User
4) Poll Verification Interval T392 (seconds )...................... = 15
5) Full Status Interval N391/nN1 ....................................... = 6
6) Error Threshold N392/nN2............................................ = 3
7) Monitored Events Counter N393 ................................... = 4
8) Default Bridging Group ................................................ = 1
9) Default Frame-Relay Bridging Mode ............................. = Bridge All
10) Default Routing Group ................................................ = 0
11) Default Compression Admin Status............................. = Enabled
12) Default Compression PRetry Time .............................. = 3
13) Default Compression PRetry Count ............................. = 10
This screen lists all the current values for the listed parameters. These parameters are the
same ones set through the frmodify command. For detailed information on these values, see
Modifying a Port on page 29-22.