UI Table Filtering (Using Search and Filter Commands)
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UI Table Filtering (Using Search and Filter Commands)

The amount of information displayed in UI tables can be extensive, especially with larger
networks. Common UI commands, such as ipr, vivl, macinfo, and fwt, often return multi-page
tables. The user can locate specific information in these large tables through the More? UI
The More? prompt appears whenever the maximum number of table entries designated by the
more command has been reached (the more command’s default is 22 lines). Note that if a
table exceeds 22 lines, and the more mode has been configured to display more than 100
lines, the following message appears:
Screen Size larger than 100 Lines, Displaying with 22 Lines (Press Any Key)
After pressing any key, only the page of the table is displayed, followed by the More? prompt.
Important Note
The switch’s more mode is active by default. If the more
mode is turned off, the Search and Filter commands
cannot be used. For more information on the more
command, see The UI Configuration Menu on page 4-
A typical More? UI prompt will look like this:
At the More? prompt, the user is given a list of options, which includes the Search (/) and
Filter (F) commands:
<SP> Press <SP> (space bar) to display the next page of information.
<CR> Press <CR> (character return) to display the next line of information.
/Press / to enter the Search mode.
FPress F to enter the Filter mode.
NPress N to renew the search, starting from the next line in the UI table.
QPress Q to exit the More? prompt.
?Press ? to enter the More? command Help Menu.
These commands are available for admin and diag login sessions. Please refer to the following
sections for more information on the Search and Filter commands, as well as renewing a
search, combining Search and Filter commands, and using wildcards.
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1 4/7 Brg/ 1/ na 0020da:030996 Tns DFLT Enabld Inactv Disabl AutoSw
1 4/8 Brg/ 1/ na 0020da:030997 Tns DFLT Enabld Inactv Disabl AutoSw
1 5/1 Brg/ 1/ na 0020da:854050 Tns DFLT Enabld Inactv Disabl AutoSw
More? [<SP>,<CR>,/,F,N,Q,?]