Mobile Groups

Page 19-10

How a Port’s Primary Mobile Group Changes (move_from_def)

Port assigned to default
group 1 or another group
through crgp or addvp.
Mobile Group 1

If move_from_def is enabled....

Device on port matches poli-
cy in another mobile group
(3). Group 3 becomes prima-
ry group.
Default Group 1
Primary Group 3

Helpful Hints:

• Reduces broadcasts to the default group.
• Best used when only one device is
attached to each port.

If move_from_def is disabled....

Device on port matches poli-
cy in another mobile group
(3). Group 1 remains primary
group. Group 3 is now a
“secondary” group for this
Mobile Group 1
Mobile Group 3

Why disable move_from_def?

• When multiple devices are attached to
the switch port, the port must support
multiple traffic in the default group as
well as traffic in the secondary mobile