Group and Port Software Commands
Page 19-17

Group and Port Software Commands

Group and Virtual Port commands are part of the VLAN menu within the User Interface. Enter-
ing vlan at any prompt displays the following menu:
Command VLAN Management Menu
gp View the list of Groups currently defined
crgp Create a Group
modvl Modify a VLANs configuration/availability
rmgp Remove a Group
addqgp Add 802.1q group/s to a port
delqgp Delete 802.1q group/s from a port
viqgp Display 802.1q groups on port/s
via View ports assigned to the selected Group
vi View info on a specific virtual port
vs View statistics on a virtual port attachment
ve View errors on a virtual port attachment
addvp Add ports to a GROUP
modvp Modify existing VPORT configuration information
rmvp Remove ports from a Group
pmapcr Create a Port Map
pmapdel Delete a Port Map
pmapmod Modify a Port Map
pmapv View Port Mapping Configuration
br Enter the Bridge Configuration/Parameter sub-menu
prty_mod Modify the priority of a group
prty_disp Display the priority of a group
at Enter the AutoTracker sub-menu
Main File Summary VLAN Networking
Interface Security System Services Help
The VLAN menu commands are divided into four sets of commands. The first set, at the top of
the menu beginning with gp, contains commands that create, modify, delete, and view
Groups. The second set of commands, beginning with addqgp are obsolete and no longer
control 802.1Q implementation. (See Chapter 16 for information on 802.1Q.) The third set,
beginning with addvp, contains commands for adding, modifying, and deleting virtual ports.
All of these commands are described in this chapter.
The final set of commands at the bottom of the menu, br and at, are actually entry points to
the Bridging and AutoTracker submenus, respectively. Commands for the Bridge Manage-
ment (br) sub-menu are documented in Chapter 17, “Configuring Bridging Parameters.”
Commands for the AutoTracker (at) sub-menu are documented in this chapter and in Chap-
ter 22, “Managing AutoTracker VLANs” and Chapter 23, “Multicast VLANs.” Some commands in
the at sub-menu apply to mobile groups and authenticated groups; those commands are
described in this chapter.
The pmapcr, pmapdel, pmapmod, and pmapv commands allow you to create port mapping
configurations. The port mapping feature is documented in Port Mapping on page 19-66. The
prty_mod and prty_disp commands allow you to modify and view the priority of a selected
group. These commands are detailed in Priority VLANs on page 19-73.