Modifying Multicast VLANs
Page 23-11
Changing the Admin Status for a VLAN Policy
1. At the Option= prompt enter a 5 and press <Enter>.
2. The following menu displays:
Enter rule number:
The rule number is listed with other information on the multicast VLAN just after you
entered the modmcvl command. Find the number corresponding to the rule you want to
change and enter it at this prompt and press <Enter>.
3. The following menu displays:
Set Rule Admin Status to ((e)nable/(d)isable):
Type an e to enable this rule or a d to disable it. If the rule is enabled, the multicast VLAN
will start using the rule criteria to segment data traffic.
The system returns to the Available Options menu. You can modify more attributes for this
multicast VLAN, or quit modifying the multicast VLAN by typing a 6.

Deleting a Multicast VLAN

You can delete a multicast VLAN. When you delete a multicast VLAN, multicast traffic is no
longer flooded to the recipients you defined. Follow these steps to delete a multicast VLAN.
1. Type rmmcvl followed by the Group number, a colon (:), and the multicast VLAN number
that you want to delete. For example to delete multicast VLAN 2 in Group 3, you would
rmmcvl 3:2
2. The following prompt displays:
Delete VLAN 3:2 ? (n):
Enter a y and press <Enter> to complete the deletion of the multicast VLAN. A message
display confirming the deletion.
VLAN 3:2 deleted