WAN Modules
Page 3-36


The ISDN Basic Rate Interface WAN Switching Module (WSX-BRI-SC) supports either one (1)
serial port and one (1) BRI port or two (2) serial ports and two (2) BRI ports. The version with
1 serial port and 1 BRI port is referred to as the WSX-BRI-SC-1W; the version with 2 serial ports
and 2 BRI ports is referred to as the WSX-BRI-SC-2W. See WSX-BRI-SC Technical Specifications
on page 3-37 for more information.
The serial port on a WSX-BRI-SC module is essentially the same as the serial ports found on
the WSX-SC module. A WSX-BRI-SC serial port can detect, and configure itself, for any of five
serial cable types (RS-232, V.35, X.21, RS-530, and RS-449). A WSX-BRI-SC serial port is normally
considered a physical DTE device, but it can be turned into a physical DCE device—for speed
or clocking purposes—by simply plugging in a DCE cable. The WSX-BRI-SC internally senses
whether a DCE or DTE cable is connected and configures itself appropriately.
The BRI port on the WSX-BRI-SC board can be configured as either a “U” or an “S/T” type of
interface (the board is shipped set to “U”). Either type of interface supports two “B” channels
operating at 56/64 Kbps and one “D” channel operating at 16 Kbps.
Software running in the switch allows you to configure the operation of the Point-to-Point
Protocol (PPP) over the serial port or the BRI port. The serial port can also support the Frame
Relay protocol. The software commands used to configure PPP are described in Chapter 30,
“Point-to-Point Protocol.” The software commands used to configure Frame Relay are
described in Chapter 29, “Managing Frame Relay.” The software commands used to configure
the WAN “links” that support PPP connections are described in Chapter 31, “WAN Links.”
Finally, the software commands used to manage the ISDN ports are described in Chapter 32,
“Managing ISDN Ports.”
With the optional HRE-X you can increase routing performance to 1.5 million packets per
second per module and up to 12 Mpps in a fully-loaded 9-slot chassis.