Configuring a WAN Routing Service
Page 29-59

Configuring a WAN Routing Service

There are two main steps to configuring WAN routing for frame relay:
1. Enable and configure routing for a specific WAN Routing group with the crgp command.
(Frame Relay Groups are different from other Groups as far as router configurations are
2. Set up a WAN routing service through the cas command.
Both of these steps are described in the next two sections.

Step 1. Set Up a Frame Relay Routing Group

You enable WAN routing for a Group when you create the Group through the crgp command.
The steps for setting up a Group are described in Chapter 24, “Managing Groups and Ports.”
Please see that chapter for the generic steps used to create a Group. Also, understand the
following points where WAN Groups differ from other Groups.
During the process of configuring the Group, the crgp command will prompt you with the
following prompt:
Enable WAN Routing? (n):
If you want to configure WAN routing on this Group, then you must answer Yes to this
prompt. Otherwise, the Group will not be tagged correctly and will not be able to route
Frame Relay traffic.
When configuring IP and IPX Routing, you do not specify a a default framing type since
Frame Relay routing always uses 1490 encapsulation.
You do not set up physical interfaces (virtual ports) through the crgp command. All physi-
cal mappings for Frame Relay are done through services, as described in Step 2 of this
You can configure all virtual circuits to automatically be assigned to the WAN Routing Group
you set up in this step. The frmodify command contains a parameter, Default Routing Group,
that you can set to a WAN routing Group. All dynamically learned virtual circuits will automat-
ically be assigned to this Group without any configuration required. See Modifying a Port on
page 29-22 for more information on the frmodify command.
You can also configure a Frame Relay service using the cas command as described in Step 2.
Set Up a Frame Relay Routing Service on page 29-60.