Setting Resource Thresholds
Page 11-3

Setting Bandwidth Thresholds

Bandwidth is a measure of the amount of traffic a switch can handle for receiving, sending,
and on the backplane. The health statistics allow you to sent a percentage of available band-
width, at which an SNMP trap is generated to alert the network administrator that the thresh-
old has been exceeded. To set the threshold levels for switch bandwidth:
1. Enter health at a system prompt. The health menu (described above) displays.
2. Enter a 1 at the health menu prompt. The following menu displays:
Bandwidth Resource Monitoring Configuration
1) Receive Threshold : 80
2) Transmit/Receive Threshold : 80
3) Backplane Threshold : 80
3. Threshold values are measured as a percentage of the total capacity of the resource. To
change a threshold or sampling interval value, type the index for the field, followed by an
equals sign, then the new value. For example, to change the Receive Threshold to 50
percent, you would type the following at the prompt:
The Receive Threshold would now be set to 50 percent of its total capacity (bandwidth).
4. When you have finished entering the new values, you must enter save to keep the new
configuration settings.
Changing a threshold value sets the value for all levels
of the switch (switch, module, and port). You cannot
set different threshold values for each level.
Below is a description of the fields in the hdcfg command menu. The default for all moni-
tored resources is eighty (80) percent of the maximum capacity of the resource.
Receive Threshold
The receive threshold sets a percentage of total bandwidth of the switch, module, or port.
When the amount of received data exceeds this percentage, an SNMP trap is sent.
Transmit/Receive Threshold
The transmit/receive threshold sets a percentage of the total bandwidth of the switch, module,
or port. When the amount of transmitted and received data exceeds this percentage, an SNMP
trap is sent.