NTP Statistics Menu
Page 12-31
leap less than month away. A scheduled leap second insertion less than a month away.
leap less than day away. A scheduled leap second insertion less than a day away.
leap in less than 2 hours. A scheduled leap second insertion less than two hours away.
leap happened. The date of the last leap second insertion.

Turn the Server's Monitoring Facility On or Off

The Server Monitoring Facility keeps track of all NTP association for this switch. When it is
On, it is possible to display a list of all NTP associations. For more information on displaying
the Monitoring Facility list of NTP associations, see Display Data The Server's Monitor Routines
Have Collected on page 12-31.
To turn the Monitoring Facility on or off, enter the ntpmon command as shown:
ntpmon <on:off>
where <on:off> is the status of the monitoring facility. For example, to turn the facility on,
ntpmon on

Display Data The Server's Monitor Routines Have Collected

If the NTP monitoring facility is turned on, you can display a list of all known NTP associa-
tions with general information using the ntpmlist command.
To display a list of collected monitoring statistics, enter the ntpmlist command at the system
prompt. A screen similar to the following is displayed:
remote address port local address count m ver drop last first
======================================================================= 1025 1 7 3 0 0 0
This table is useful in establishing which entity is associated with the switch, and if entities
have formed associations independent of administrator configuration (for example, if a user
sets up an association with NTP without notifying the network administrator).