Running Hardware Diagnostics
Page 36-10

The table below provides specific cable/plug information for Omni Switch/Router switching


Omni Switch/Router Port Test Wrap Cable/Plug Requirements

Module Type Cable Type

GSX-K-FM-2W Port/Stress (Full Duplex) test: Multi-mode fiber optic wrap plug
with SC connectors.
Port/Stress (Half Duplex) test: Multi-mode fiber optic cable with
SC connectors.
GSX-K-FS-2W Port (Full and Half Duplex) and Stress tests: Single-mode fiber
optic cable with SC connectors.
ESX-K-100C-32W Port/Stress (Full Duplex) test: ESX Wrap Plug.
Refer to ESX Wrap Plug – RJ-45 Connector on page 36-22.
Port/Stress (Half Duplex) test: Ethernet Crossover Wrap Cable
Refer to Ethernet Crossover Wrap Cable — Category 5 UTP
Copper Cable with RJ-45 Connectors on page 36-22.
ESX-K-100FM-16W Port/Stress (Full Duplex) test: Multi-mode fiber optic wrap plug
with MT-RJ connectors.
Port/Stress (Half Duplex) test: Multi-mode fiber optic cable with
MT-RJ connectors.
ESX-K-100FS-16W Port/Stress (Full Duplex) test: Single mode fiber optic wrap
plug with MT-RJ connectors.
Port/Stress (Half Duplex) test: Single mode fiber optic cable
with MT-RJ connectors.
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