CV7 Touch Panel Accessories
12 7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels
Wiring information for the Modero Table Top cable

If your installation requires custom cable configurations, you can purchase bulk (non-terminated) cable

from Liberty Wire and Cable under the nomenclature "AMX Table Top Cable - Modero"

(phone#: (800) 530 8998 or +1-719-388-7518).

When building a custom Table Top cable, please refer to the table below to calculate the maximum

length of the cable for your particular installation/setup.

* The total Modero cable run from the 13.5 V power source (12 VDC-compliant power supply).

FIG.11 shows the top and cross-section views of the Table Top cable.

The following table provides the wiring information (color coding) for each of the three available cable

connectors on each side of the Modero Table Top Cable.

Maximum Table Top Cable Lengths for Modero Panels

Panel Sizes: 7" Panel 10" Panel 12" Panel 15" Panel 17" Panel
Setup I: Using a panel without a battery base*:
Maximum cable length 150’ (45.72 m) 150’ (45.72 m) 49’ (14.94 m) 39’ (11.89 m) 10’ (3.05 m)
Setup II: Using a panel with a battery base*:
Maximum cable length 56’ (17.07 m) 56’ (17.07 m) 25’ (7.62 m) 15’ (4.57 m) 10’ (3.05 m)
* The total Modero cable run from the 13.5 V power source.
FIG. 11 Modero Table Top cable (top and cross-section views)

Modero Table Top Cable Wiring Table

Wire Connector 1 Connector 2 C onn ec to r 3
1 White/Orange White/Orange Red
2 Orange/White Orange/White Black
3 White/Green White/Green -
4 Blue/White Blue/White -
5 White/Blue White/Blue -
6 Green/White Green/White -
7 White/Brown White/Brown -
8 Brown/White Brown/White -
6 inches 3 inches
To Touch Panel To Breakout Box
- used for Power
- used for Audio/Video (Black)
- used for Ethernet (White)