Configuring Communication
68 7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels
As an example, enter the word AMXPanel using a 128-bit hex digit encryption. After
pressing Done, the on-screen Current Key field displays a long string of characters (separated
by colons) which represents the encryption key equivalent to the word AMXPanel.
This series of hex digits (26 hex digits for a 128-bit encryption key) should be entered as
the Current Key into both the WAP and onto other communicating Modero panels by
using the WEP Key dialog (FIG.67).
13. Write down this Current Key string value for later entry into your WAP’s WEP Key field (typically
entered without colons) and into other communicating panel’s Current Key field (FIG. 67).
14. If you are entering a Current Key generated either by your target WAP or another Modero
panel, within the WEP Keys section, touch the Key # button to launch the WEP Key # keyboard
(FIG.6 7), enter the characters and press Done when finished.
This Key value corresponds to the Default WEP Key number used on the Wireless Access
Point and selected in the Default Key field described in the previous step.
15. The remaining Current Key and Authentication fields are greyed-out and cannot be altered by the
16. Verify the fields within the IP Settings section have been properly configured. Refer to Step 1:
Configure the Panel’s Wireless IP Settingssection on page 60 for detailed information.
FIG. 66 WEP Passphrase Keyboard
FIG. 67 WEP Key # Keyboard
If your target Wireless Access Point does not support passphrase key generation and
has previously been setup with a manually entered WEP KEY, you must manually
enter that same WEP key on your panel.