The database, which is a PostgreSQL database located at /var/db/RemoteManagement/ RMDB/ can be accessed using other tools besides Remote Desktop. To find out more about the database schema, see “PostgreSQL Schema Sample” on page 180.
The last kind of new data search is a Spotlight search. This is not a static report on saved data in a database, but it’s an interactive search of the client computers. A Spotlight search can only be done on client computers running Mac OS X 10.4 or later. Spotlight searches a comprehensive, constantly updated index that sees all the metadata inside supported
Using a Task Server for Report Data Collection
You can use a computer other than the administrator computer to collect your report data, if you have another
Âa computer that will be running when the clients are set to upload their report data
Âan unlimited license for the Remote Desktop server
Âa separate unlimited license for the administrator computer
To set up a Task Server, you need to:
1Install Remote Desktop on the server.
See “Installing the Remote Desktop Administrator Software” on page 40.
2Configure the server to be the Task Server.
You do this via the server settings in the Remote Desktop preferences.
See “Designating the Task Server and Setting the Report Data Collection Location” on page 154
3Install Remote Desktop on the administrator computer.
See “Installing the Remote Desktop Administrator Software” on page 40.
4Configure Remote Desktop on the administrator computer to use the Task Server as its source for report data.
You do this using the server settings in the Remote Desktop preferences.
See “Designating the Task Server and Setting the Report Data Collection Location” on page 154.
5Set the client reporting policy to tell clients to send report information to the Task Server.
Chapter 8 Administering Client Computers