160 Chapter 8 Administering Client Computers
Using Automator actions, you can even create your own interfaces to Apple Remote
Desktop functions without having to give users access to Remote Desktop. For
instance, say you wanted to give all your teachers a tool to lock and unlock screens in
their classrooms. You still need to configure Remote Desktop and set up computer lists,
but instead of giving the teachers all access to Remote Desktop, you can create an
Automator plug-in or application. This plug-in lets them select only the computers in
their classroom, and the plug-in does the rest of the work for them.
You can create an Automator workflow, application, Finder plug-in, or iCal alarm similar
to the AppleScript mentioned above. By stringing together Remote Desktop actions in
Automator, you accomplish the same work as an AppleScript, but without having to
write code.