Getting an Administration Settings Report
You can query active Apple Remote Desktop clients for a report on what commands they are accepting from your administrator authentication.
The report is a list of the Apple Remote Desktop administrator access types each with an “On” or “Off” to indicate whether that access type is available to you.
To get an administration settings report:
1Select a computer list in the Remote Desktop window.
2Select one or more computers in the selected computer list.
3Choose Report > Administration Settings.
4Click Get Report.
Changing Client Administrator Privileges
Once the client computers are able to be administered, you can change the administrator access privileges for multiple computers simultaneously, using the Change Client Settings command. If you are using Directory Services to designate administrator privileges, you don’t need to change the settings on the clients.
To make changes on a client, you must have the name and password of a user with administrator privileges on the computer. Additionally, you must already have the Control privilege.
Note: You do not have to make a selection on every page of the assistant. You can click Continue to move to the next set of settings.
To change administrator privileges on each computer:
1Select a computer list.
2Select one or more computers in the selected computer list.
3Choose Manage > Change Client Settings. The client assistant appears. Click Continue.
4Choose whether to start Remote Desktop sharing at system startup.
This changes the setting found in the Sharing pane of System Preferences.
5Choose whether to hide or show the Apple Remote Desktop menu bar icon.
6Click Continue.
7Choose whether to create a new user for Apple Remote Desktop login. Click Continue.
New users can be used to grant Apple Remote Desktop administrator privileges. Creating a new user does not overwrite existing users or change existing user passwords.
If you choose not to create a new user, skip to step 9 after clicking Continue.
Chapter 5 Understanding and Controlling Access Privileges