Canceling an Attention Request
If a user no longer needs the Apple Remote Desktop administrator’s attention, he or she can cancel the attention request after it has been sent.
To cancel an attention request:
1Click the Apple Remote Desktop status icon and choose Message to Administrator.
2Click the Apple Remote Desktop status icon in the menu bar and choose Cancel Message.
Changing Your Observed Client Icon
By default, the icon that the Remote Desktop administrator sees while observing is the login icon for the currently
You can change this icon, and it will change on the administrator’s observation screen.
To change your login icon:
1Prepare the picture you want to use.
You could use a graphic file, or take a picture using an iSight camera.
2Open System Preferences.
The System Preferences application launches.
3Select the Accounts pane.
4Select your account, and choose the Picture button.
5Replace your current account picture with the new picture.
6Close System Preferences.
Chapter 7 Interacting with Users