8Select the exported list, and click Open.
The list now appears in Remote Desktop’s main window.
Transferring Remote Desktop 2 Computer Lists to a New Remote Desktop 3 Administrator Computer
If you are installing Apple Remote Desktop 3 on a computer different from the version 2.x administrator computer, you may want to move your existing computer lists to the new administrator computer running Apple Remote Desktop 3. When you import or export a computer list, the user name and password used for Apple Remote Desktop authentication are not exported. Once you’ve imported the computer list, you will still need to authenticate to the computers.
To transfer the computer lists:
1In the main Remote Desktop window, select the list you want to move.
2Make sure Remote Desktop lists the computer’s name and IP address.
3Choose File > Export Window.
4Select a name and a file location for the exported list, and click Save. The default file name is the window’s title.
5Copy the exported file to the desired administrator computer.
6On the new administrator computer, launch Remote Desktop.
7Using the Scanner, add the clients by File Import.
See “Finding Clients by File Import” on page 52, for detailed instructions. The list now appears in Remote Desktop’s main window.
8Select the computers in the list.
9Choose File > New List From Selection.
The new list now appears in Remote Desktop’s main window.
Transferring Old v1.2 Computer Lists to a New Administrator Computer
If you are installing Apple Remote Desktop 3 on a computer other than an older administrator computer using Apple Remote Desktop 1.2, you need to move your existing computer lists to the new administrator computer before installing version 3.
These instructions only apply when moving Apple Remote Desktop 1.2 computer lists to a new computer.
Throughout these instructions, the computer with the original lists is the “source computer.”The computer that will have Apple Remote Desktop 3 installed is the “target computer.”
Chapter 4 Organizing Client Computers Into Computer Lists