Custom Features







Account Number Entry


Use this feature to associate an account code with outside calls made or received.

(used with SMDR only)


Increase accuracy of call records.



[ l ]


Assure that charges for outside calls are billed to the appropriate account, job, or



Auto Intercom

Program buttons on voice terminals for one-touch dialing of frequent y called intercom





[ I ]


Look at the lights next to the buttons to see if someone IS using his or her voice ter-



minal; the green light goes on when the person is on a call or is using the Do Not Disturb




One-Touch Transfer


Transfer a call by touching the appropriate Auto Intercom button.



Transfer calls with one touch.




Automatic Line Selection


Get an available line when you lift your handset to make a call. Anyone can program a voice



terminal to select lines in a specific order.


Program voice terminals to select long distance lines in the most economical order—





for example, WATS line first, then regular service.




Automatic Route Selection


Set up your system so that each time a person makes an outside call, the system selects



a line pool that includes the most appropriate lines for that call. For this feature to operate,


switch F on the control unit must be set to Pooled (up) and switch G must be set to Dial Ac-



cess (up).



Increase voice terminal efficiency and reduce costs for your business.



Eliminate dialing of pool numbers.




Button Access to Line Pools


Assign line pools to individual buttons.



Access a pool simply by touching a button.



Call Coverage

Program buttons on voice terminals to cover calls for people with whom you do not share

(See also Programmable

lines. Program buttons for either primary or secondary coverage and for immediate, delayed,

Line Ringing.)

or no ring.


Have as many as six Cover buttons.


Primary Coverage

Assign to someone who screens or answers another person’s calls.


A secretary can answer all calls to a manager’s voice terminal.

Secondary Coverage

Assign to someone who provides a second backup for a covered voice terminal.


A second secretary can answer the manager’s calls when the first secretary is away


from the desk.

Coverage inhibit

Program buttons on voice terminals to turn off Call Coverage temporarily.


Limits use of Call Coverage to times when it is needed.

Call Forwarding Using

Program a Cover button on another voice terminal and then program a Coverage Inhibit but-

Coverage inhibit

ton on your own voice terminal to stop coverage whenever appropriate.


Have calls ring at a voice terminal in a different location when necessary.

*[A] means that the administrator assigns the feature.

[ I] means that the individual can assign the feature.

[Al] means that an individual can assign the feature with the administrator’s approval.


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AT&T merlin legend manual Custom Features, Call Coverage