Custom Features (continued)








Call Restriction


Assign call restrictions to any voice terminal as necessary.

(See page 41.)


Restrict voice terminals according to your business needs.






Outward Call


Restrict some voice terminals to intercom calls only.



Restrict voice terminals in public places such as lobbies.



Toll Call


Restrict voice terminals to intercom and local calls only.



Prevent abuse of telephone privileges.





Allow toll-restricted voice terminals to make toll calls to a specific list of area codes and/or

Call Restriction


exchanges. Allow outward-restricted voice terminals to make local and toll calls.



Control telephone costs.




Centralized Voice Terminal


Program any voice terminal from the administrator/attendant console.



Conveniently program voice terminals for people who do not do their own programming.





Program voice terminals for business priorities without leaving the administrator/at-


tendant console.






Dial Access to Line Pools


Assign all line pools to two buttons on each voice terminal, then access the pools using dial

(See page 38.)





Have access to as many as 11 line pools using only two buttons on a voice terminal.


Save buttons on voice terminals for other features.






Dial Access to Line Pools


Restrict some voice terminals from dial access to certain line pools. People using these voice



terminals, however may receive transferred calls on lines in these pools.



Restrict voice terminals used by people who have no need to make WATS line or Foreign



Exchange calls.




Do Not Disturb


Prevent a voice terminal from ringing for a temporary period. While Do Not Disturb is in ef-

[ I ]


feet, outside tails ring at the attendant console, intercom callers get a busy signal, and the


green light goes on next to the Auto Intercom button representing the voice terminal on the



attendant console.



Avoid being interrupted by ringing calls.




Group Page


Assign voice terminals to paging groups so that people can page each other through voice

(See page 55.)


terminal speakers.



You do not need a loudspeaker paging system to use this feature.






Last Number Redial


Program a button for one-touch dialing of the last number you called. People having 5- or



10-button voice terminals can use this feature by dialing #24.

[ l]






Line and Pool Assignment


Assign any combination of pooled, personal, and special-purpose lines to any voice terminal.

to Voice Terminals


Customize line assignments to control costs.

(See pages 27 through 36.)



Reassign lines easily.









Manual Signaling


Program a button so that touching it causes a beep at another voice terminal.

[ I ]


Use the button to signal another person.









*[A] means that the administrator assigns the feature. [I] means that the individual can assign the feature.

[AI] means that an individual can assign the feature with the administrator’s approval.


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AT&T merlin legend manual Tendant console