Appendix A Cisco ONS 15501 Alarms
•Controller communication failure
[Communication with embedded controller failed]
Explanation The communication with the embedded controller has failed.
Recommended Action This denotes internal monitoring failure. The unit needs servicing if this alarm appears frequently.
•Software Upgrade Initiated
[Software download started]
Explanation A TFTP or FTP request has been launched.
Recommended Action None.
•Software Upgrade Failed
[Software download failed]
Explanation A TFTP or FTP request that was launched has failed.
Recommended Action Fix the reported problem (network issues, bad
•Software Upgrade Completed
[Software download completed]
Explanation A TFTP or FTP request that was launched has completed.
Recommended Action None.
•Software Reboot Initiated
[Software Reboot issued]
Explanation Reboot has been requested on the unit
Recommended Action None
•Software Rolled Back
[Active and planned Software images are different]
Explanation The unit has booted from a bank that is not the programmed bank. This is possibly because the image from programmed bank was bad or because the boot loader was explicitly asked to boot from another bank (using the console during
Recommended Action If the image is bad, reprogram a good image on corrupted bank.
•Configuration Changed
[Configurable value modified]
Explanation A writeable attribute has been modified through one of the management interfaces exposed by the system (for example, CLI or SNMP).
Recommended Action None
| Cisco ONS 15501 User Guide |