Chapter 4 Command Reference



To display or modify the neighboring equipment details for optical output, use the neighbor-outcommand.

neighbor-out [[host link-host] [ip link-ip] [port link-port]] [disable]

Syntax Description


host link-host

Specifies the hostname for the output neighbor. The maximum length




is 32 characters.








ip link-ip

Specifies the IP address for the output neighbor.








port link-port

Specifies the name for the port on the remote host receiving the output




optical signal. The maximum length is 32 characters.




Note If the host or ip keywords are not present, the port keyword




is not allowed.









Deletes the input neighbor information.




Note The disable option is not allowed with any other options.











If no values are entered, the command displays the current output neighbor details.






Command Types

Changes configuration







Command Modes

User password protected for read. Master password protected for writes.






Command History












EDFA 2.0

This command was introduced.










Usage Guidelines

In the absence of all arguments, the configured output neighbor NE information is shown.


To include space characters in the host or port, use double quotes (for example, neighbor-out host


“DWDM phoenix 10”). Excluding the disable keyword, whenever a keyword present, the keyword


value must be given. Either host or ip are required while port is optional. The disable keyword deletes


the neighbor NE information.


Cisco ONS 15501 User Guide


78-14134-02, Release 2.0

Page 66
Image 66
Cisco Systems 15501 manual Neighbor-out